This is the right place where to find all the stuff needed to build a Metro web application.
There are a few easy ways to quickly get started with BootMetro, please read through.
The fastest way to get started: get the compiled and minified versions of our CSS, JavaScript, and fonts. No documentation or original source files are included.
Get the original files for all CSS and JavaScript, along with a local copy of the docs by downloading the latest version directly from GitHub.
Clone the entire project or fork your own version of Bootstrap to make it your own by visiting us on GitHub.
View pages where all different kind of Metro stuff is used, and that you can reuse yourself.
BootMetro support the following browsers:
Within the download you'll find the following file structure and contents, logically grouping common assets and providing both compiled and minified variations.
Once downloaded, unzip the compressed folder to see the structure of (the compiled) Bootstrap. You'll see something like this:
bootmetro/ └── assets/ │ ├── css/ │ ├── bootmetro.css │ ├── bootmetro-icons.css │ ├── bootmetro-responsive.css │ ├── bootmetro-ui-light.css │ ├── bootmetro.min.css │ ├── bootmetro-icons.min.css │ ├── bootmetro-responsive.min.css │ └── bootmetro-ui-light.min.css │ ├── font/ │ ├── IcoMoon.eot │ ├── IcoMoon.svg │ ├── IcoMoon.ttf │ ├── IcoMoon.woff │ ├── LICENSE.txt │ ├── opensans-bold-webfont.eot │ ├── opensans-bold-webfont.svg │ ├── opensans-bold-webfont.ttf │ ├── opensans-bold-webfont.woff │ ├── opensans-light-webfont.eot │ ├── opensans-light-webfont.svg │ ├── opensans-light-webfont.ttf │ ├── opensans-light-webfont.woff │ ├── opensans-regular-webfont.eot │ ├── opensans-regular-webfont.svg │ ├── opensans-regular-webfont.ttf │ ├── opensans-regular-webfont.woff │ ├── opensans-semibold-webfont.eot │ ├── opensans-semibold-webfont.svg │ ├── opensans-semibold-webfont.ttf │ └── opensans-semibold-webfont.woff │ └── js/ ├── bootstrap.js ├── bootstrap.min.js ├── bootmetro-panorama.js ├── bootmetro-pivot.js └── bootmetro-icons-ie7.js
This is the most basic form of BootMetro: compiled files for quick drop-in usage in nearly any web project. We provide compiled CSS and JS (bootmetro-*.*
), as well as compiled and minified CSS and JS (bootmetro.min.*
). The image files are compressed using ImageOptim, a Mac app for compressing PNGs.
Please note that all JavaScript plugins require jQuery to be included.
npm install -g grunt-cli karma
npm install
while current directory is bootmetro repoTo build the whole project run grunt
Running the command node ./server/server.js
will start a little local web server that respond on the address localhost:8080; this will enable you to view the documentation and the demo pages locally.